C6 ENERGY SERVICES Canada evaluates dozens of projects each month.
This keeps us current with environmental regulations, permitting requirements, and perhaps most importantly, equipment costs, both designed and installed.
With this level of expertise, C6 ENERGY SERVICES Canada can creatively look at your situation and offer the best possible solution at the best price.
C6 ENERGY SERVICES Canada offers many technology packages for delivery of critical components with process guarantees.
Examples are:
- Autoclave waste treatment systems
- Biomass dryers
- Combustion grate units
- Pyrolysis & gasification systems
- Gas power plant units
- Carbonization plants
- Carbon burnout systems
- Water treatment systems (WWTP)
- Material handling equipment
- Package boiler systems & complete plants
- Compact gasification units
- Instrumentation & controls
- Flue gas cleaning components
- Complete steam & power generating systems
- Custom thermal treatment systems – multiple feedstocks
- Frack water and mine water discharge treatment, recycling and reuse